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Awakened Woman Self Care podcast

Apr 11, 2023

The new song 
(art & poetry Christine Pensa)

As I wake I ask my heart

Show me the beauty beyond the beauty I thought I knew

Let me step beyond fields of possibility I thought were mine

Let me have the courage to leave behind what I thought was true

Let me shed like tattered rags the beliefs and images I have worn in unknowing 

So that my brilliance is all clothing that I need ~

This episode is a reflection on what we are stepping away from in this moment on the planet. How it is that we can surrender into the beauty beyond the beauty we thought we knew.

The first question that arises within our human self is how to move this through your body and into your life in a way that integrates into your everyday existence. It takes courage to see the wonder of ourselves because it means that so much of who we thought we were, including the “good” parts of ourselves, needs to go. The blinders need to come off or we cannot hope to see our own brilliance. 

The invitation is to notice where the resistance in you is -- turning to meet that part and go beyond what you thought was the best of you. Sacred self care is opening to find more of ourselves. We’re not fixing, because in this moment we are becoming the creator self by leaving behind the limiting beliefs and practices and images we have held onto. We are in the process of freeing ourselves.

We are stepping into more of our true brilliance, partnering with the Earth, and then with others. We are the song that is being sung. We are the flowers that continue to bloom and we cannot be stopped. Our bodies already recognize and respond to the beauty beyond the beauty we thought we knew. It is so.

Link to listen to all episodes of the podcast through the show page