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Awakened Woman Self Care podcast

Nov 21, 2020

In part two continued from the theme of Episode 113, I share what continues to unfold around the idea of story, what we have been storing and what is ready to dissolve.

In this moment the external world is powerfully pulling us into survival mode. In this mode our creativity and imagination are shut down. We begin to...

Nov 11, 2020

Stories can open us up into the vastness of the cosmos & our connection to all that is—before books, and screens—there was the power of the land speaking to us. Stories can also become our prison. Sacred self care is about observing and releasing old stories that diminish you and opening into creating new ones...

Nov 6, 2020

In the first episode of Season 3, podcast host Christine Pensa opens an invitation to those who want to honour and deepen their sacred self care in a container of non-judgement, exploration, and witnessing—showing up exactly where we are.

The challenge of navigating this now moment is coming back into alignment...