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Awakened Woman Self Care podcast

Oct 25, 2017

Jamie Monroy lives on Oahu, Hawaii and has a professional practice as a Licensed clinical social worker and Past Life regression therapist - certified with Dr Brian Wiess, whom many people know through his book " Same Soul Many Bodies". In this episode Jamie shares the fascinating subject of past lives and how they...

Oct 18, 2017

Nancy Mills is the Founder of The Spirited Woman and created the Sisterhood of sacred scarves in 2012 ,honoring Women of the World through scarf and ceremony .In this conversation Nancy shares how important it is to have support in a community and what it means to be a spirited women today. To find out how to purchase...

Oct 10, 2017

Whitney Freya is a creative visionary and author of the new book "Rise Above " In this inspiring conversation Whitney poses the question to Emma and Christine Would you like to feel more creative ? and shares how art IS a spiritual practice and the canvas is a portal. For more information about her Creatively Fit...