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Awakened Woman Self Care podcast

May 29, 2019

Enjoy this encore episode with sandra Ingerman (original episode and show notes 64)as Christine celebrates her birthday in Europe and Emma visits her parents in England.

for more information on Sandra Ingerman visit her website 

for more divine conversation visit awakened Woman self...

May 22, 2019

Christine and Emma continue to honor their own self care while traveling.Enjoy this encore episode with Janet Conner Prayer artist. 

Find out more about Janet's FIRST Original Prayer weekend retreat June 14- 16 2019 

Listen to more episodes at the awakened woman self care website

May 15, 2019

Christine and Emma are honoring their own self care and share a repeat conversation with Asia Suler 

For more information visit The awakened woman self care website (Episode 40) to find out more about Asia Suler 


Visit Asia's website 

May 8, 2019

Jonita D'Souza was born in India, and is currently living in London, England. Jonita  is a Feminine Lifestylist, an Author and Creatress of Exploring Femininity Ltd., assisting modern day busy women who struggle with burn-out, overwhelm and body love to reconnect with their feminine and sensual energy using the ancient...

May 1, 2019

Episode 083 A Beltane Celebration with co-hosts Emma Kupu Mitchell and Christine Pensa

To mark this portal in the Wheel of the year, co-hosts of the podcast, Emma and Christine share some Beltane celebration ideas in this special episode.

 A Beltane Reading from the Charge of the Goddess (Starhawk, The Spiral Dance...