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Awakened Woman Self Care podcast

Mar 13, 2019

Episode 076 with Emma Kupu Mitchell and Christine Pensa, On Being Inspired, Ignited, and More Aligned

On being inspired, ignited, and more aligned in our sacred self care. How our work has shifted as we have become more of who we are—in part—because of this joyful work we do together on the podcast.

In a kind of Freaky Friday, Emma and Christine take turns being interviewed by each other to talk about the passion they both feel for the new ways they are showing up in the world, particularly through their sacred work and offerings.

First up is Emma being interviewed by Christine.

Emma is a Soul Essence Alignment Artist and has been a practitioner of holistic therapies for over 30 years, including clinical Aromatherapy, Ayurveda, Depth Numerology, Elemental Astrology, Yoga Nidra, and Sound Healing. Emma uses her extensive knowledge of ancient healing practices to create unique sound-infused sacred anointing oils and tinctures. She is one of the co-hosts of the Awakened Woman self care podcast.

Emma shares why the soul is an integral part of her work because she is fascinated by the depths of who we are and what we are here to evolve into, and that’s why the soul essence is key to her work. She explains how her new Soul Essence Alignment Mandala (SEAM) work is the culmination of over 30 years experience, in alignment with the new energies moving through her. She shares how the Soul Essence Alignment is weaving in more of the Elemental Astrology, or Cosmic energies, into her Sound, Plant and Stone medicine work. She says this work feeds her own sacred self care because every person she comes into contact with is a mirror for her own journey, and she honours the sacredness of this work as a gift. Emma maintains, "My work is my play."

Next up is Christine being interviewed by Emma.

Christine Pensa is the face behind Art That Moves, where Ceremony is practiced as ART. Journeying with Christine is an invitation to make sacred your art of living through co-created daily ritual, bespoke ceremony, and creative practice—where she holds space for the masterpiece of you to thrive. In addition to being a visual artist, Christine is a trained Shamanic Practitioner, and Creative Way Shower who combines ancient practice with the sovereign creative voice that wants to be expressed through you. Christine is also the co-creator, and illustrator of the Soul Discovery Coloring Book published by Conari Press, as well as the co-host of the weekly podcast, Awakened Woman Self Care.

Christine shares her journey from art making and teaching children and adults art and soul. She says it was time to leave behind her art production, even though she loved it, to do something she loves more—weaving her shamanic training with her joy of creating, particularly ceremony, which her guides invited her to embrace as a kind of "ceremony party planner." She shares that though many people think they don't have time to create sacred ceremony in their day, they can make simple moments sacred seamlessly and easily. She maintains the art of living with sacred intention means life is always filled with joy.

Both Emma and Christine agree that Wednesdays are their favourite day and how meeting and interviewing the 75 women they have featured on the podcast has fed their sacred self care. Both are grateful for the wise women guests, and for the beautiful listeners who tune in every week. Both are grateful that this podcast seed they planted has grown into a beautiful flower—now that's sacred self care!

 Visit Emma's website 

Visit Christine's website

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