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Awakened Woman Self Care podcast

Dec 19, 2018

Episode 065 SPECIAL year-endextendedEpisode with Star Sister, Marcia Wade, How you can be the space where the goddess returns to the world

Marcia Wade—or Star Sister as she is known worldwide—joins us for a special extended episodethis week. In perfect timing to lead us into the Solstice and the year ahead.

Marcia, has been communing with the stars all her life— and exploring the ancient wisdom tradition of astrology ever since she had her birth chart read for the first time over 37 years ago.

Marcia’s nickname of Star Sister, was given to her by a friend and — Marcia soon realized Star Sister was not a person — but — what she says is — an energy, a wisdom deep within us all.

Marcia invites you to join her and commune with this deep wisdom through the beauty of her words, — and the divine images she shares in her newsletters; She says —"Your life’s story is a cosmic story—just like mine is. Like you, every atom in my body was made in a star. The ceaseless vibrations of every spinning, pulsing particle in the cosmos is constantly messaging the molecules of my dreams and the atoms of my soul–just like yours."

Marcia’s call to astrology was deepened when she faced — what she describes as , the greatest crisis of her life—and in moving through this crisis—Marcia began to understand the true depth and power of the ancient wisdom tradition of Astrology.

Marcia is a lifelong student of the timeless path of the goddess and her transformative feminine wisdom,

In perfect timing for the closing of 2018, and the opening to the new energies of 2019, this extended episode features Marcia Wade.

In this episode Star Sister Marcia Wade shares her deep, soulful understanding of the cosmic connection to our own lives, saying, "Each one of us is a way the Universe reveals itself." She shares that what is happening right now, is rare and precious, and how "the way to a good future" is through tending what is tender and young and growing in us—our sacred self care. Marcia also shares beautiful information and insights on how the planet Venus has released her old way of carrying the power of her love, and how we can embrace this potent new seed of love she is bringing forward. She invites us to open to allowing the energy to come alive in us, and to be the space where the goddess returns to the world. You will want to listen to every word of Marcia's poetic insights over and over to bring in the nuance and depth they resonate with. 

Marcia's SPECIAL OFFER for Podcast Listeners

"Changing the Game with the Goddess in  2019: The Astrology of Your Personal Path to the Transformative Power of the Deep Feminine"

A 2-hour, recorded one-on-one reading of your one-of-a-kind birth chart and its map of the Cosmic Feminine power being re-birthed in your life over the next 18 months. To schedule your reading for the special fee of $146, email 

visit Awakened woman self care website