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Awakened Woman Self Care podcast

May 30, 2018

Mia Kalef is the author of, The Secret Life of Babies, howour pre birth and birth experiences shape our life. Mia is one of the newest leading voices in the field of pre- and perinatal psychology and health, and a trained practitioner in mixing healing practices with ancient ritual. Her books and other writings are read across more than twenty countries—on subjects ranging from healing, to prebirth and birth psychology, to indigenous wisdom, and embodied intuitive practices.

Mia is recognized as an impeccable guide to uncover the subtle world for your own path of inquiry into love and the soul of things.

Mia lives in Vancouver and offers private sessions and workshops .

In this episode Mia Shares her wisdom and experiences from the last twenty years of working with babies and how the deep non verbal messages, can be shared in a profound way with us as adults. Mia explains how to BE in right relationship with their movements and gestures and how to understand these clues. The "hearing our song" workshop is just one of the profound spaces discussed in this conversation where Mia explains how she can guide you to the heart of your unique longed birth memories, for a deeper healing. It's a powerful connection to our lineage and the land we all are connected to.

Visit Mia's website for more information 

