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Awakened Woman Self Care podcast

Nov 21, 2018

Erin Klassen is the founder and CEO of With/Out Pretend, an independent Toronto based publisher focused on producing, promoting and distributing works by women writers and artists, including those who identify as femme, queer, trans and persons of colour. Erin is also an editor, collaborator, community-builder, and fiction writer. Her own work has appeared in a number of print and online publications, including Studio Magazine, the CBC, Ephemera Magazine, and You Care Too Much. Erin has published 3 collections of stories and illustrations. Portraits, illustrating the complicated nature of unresolved feelings—Happy if You Know It, and, You Care Too Much, a collection of poetry, fiction, confessional writing, art and photography on the question of SELF CARE.

In this episode Erin shares her journey of hearing the whisper, which led her to leave a high powered marketing role with "Etsy" and what could be perceived as the perfect job to creating "Without /Pretend". Erin discusses how "feelings can be art"  actually came from a sentence in the first book she ever wrote "Portraits"and why it's a reminder that what we are feeling on the inside is worthwhile. Erin shares her own relationship with self care and how it is tied to community. She also talks about why intuition can be confusing and yet valuable at the same time. Erin has created the Vault, a monthly digital magazine that shares the values of women stories - we highly encourage you all to support this beautiful offering. 


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