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Awakened Woman Self Care podcast

Mar 13, 2018

We're delighted to welcome back Kahu Lahela and Janet Conner to talk about their beautiful upcoming SPECIAL EVENT, The Goddess Forgives.

 Sharing their journey to create this very special and timely offering, The Goddess Forgives, merges the talents of both these amazing women. Kahu Lahela shares the origin of her practice of the Ho'oponopono, how it has evolved, and what that means to the co-created special event she and Janet are offering. Janet shares her emergence as a "prayer artist" and the impact of the Goddess on this fusion of prayer and Ho'oponopono.

Goddess Forgives Link 

Janet's website

Visit Lahela’s website

Both Janet and Lahela have been guests on the Awakened Woman Self Care podcast in the past year. Check out Janet Conner in Episode 002, and Kahu Lahela Johnson in Episode 011.