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Awakened Woman Self Care podcast

May 29, 2024

This episode is a hybrid of the last episode, “Let the Waters Settle Beloved” and Episode 157 “Releasing caterpillar ways to embody the butterfly.” 

Continuing with the powerful metaphor of the evolution of caterpillar into butterfly and how it relates to where we are right now as humanity.

Exploring how we invite in the new when we really don’t know what that will look like or how we will be without all the old modalities, practices, people and places that have populated our reality to date. 

Our caterpillar style living was perfect for us in the past, but many of us are hearing the call to move and evolve by creating the personal alchemy necessary to evolve. Just like the caterpillar, we need to release what we have been, the ways we have known in order to be-come, to expand into what is next for ourselves, and for humanity. It’s time.

It’s time to listen to our heart’s instructions even though our minds don’t know what will happen next. Beginning by noticing what is feeling depleting and static in our lives, moving into the stillness of our own hearts to take stock of what needs to release, and finally, choosing to embody less of the old (caterpillar), and more of what is next (butterfly). 

This is an invitation to listen to your own heart and ask, show me the beauty beyond the beauty I thought I knew. 

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