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Awakened Woman Self Care podcast

Mar 1, 2023

f a straight line is not the fastest route from A to B, what is your path to the wonder of you? What does that meandering path look like in this moment on the Earth?

This episode is an invitation to notice where you have been in reaction when you really want to be in true, aligned action in accordance with what your heart already knows is the path that’s best for you. That impulse is also in collaboration with others and what is being called forward by so many of us here now. Taking time to tune into what that pure love frequency feels like for you. Allowing the release of the harmful patterns and programs we have knowingly or unknowingly chosen in linear thinking. Breaking free to forge our own path from our connection to our true selves. No more cages around our hearts we all move toward what we always knew this world should be. 

The poem; 
Oh beloved 

This love we are

A wellspring of joy

Alive with wonder

Gathering speed now

Anchoring here, now

From each being following the flow(ering) of their being

Coming together as our infinite purity 

Nothing but love

Our true nature 

Our Home

We chose this peace freedom beauty 
for our Home

(art & poetry Christine Pensa)

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