Apr 14, 2022
In this episode award winning author and spiritual teacher Carrie Triffet shares her gentle and powerfully heart opening experiences and relationship with nature as a path to self discovery. She says that the natural world is the easiest place to notice how miracles work. “Miracles are the nature of life itself and if we are not having constant miracles and constant joyful noticing of amazing things happening then there is something about our own societies and our own perceptions that we ought to be taking a closer look at.” Carrie says that though we don’t often believe it, we are powerful creators. Therefore, if we don’t believe in miracles, we then create a world where miracles do not happen. We explored how we can simply allow for them so the miracles just pop. She says part of it is meeting with and recognizing nature doesn’t live in the past or the future, but only in the presence of right now.
Nature delights in your delight and that sets the stage for miracles. Beginning with a simple greeting, acknowledgement of, or gratitude for the presence of a plant, or a sunset, or the song of a bird opens a conscious communication.
Carrie shared a beautiful story about her home. Under her stewardship, the land shifted from a kind of smothered wasteland to one “bursting with the unmistakable frequency of divine love.”
The invitation of this episode was to open into allowing for the possibility that you yourself are both a bringer, receiver and transmitter of miracles by getting as deeply in contact as possible with nature. Holding compassion for yourself as you learn through your mistakes.
Visit Carrie’s website and the links to Awake TV to dive deeper into your own exploration and infinite possibilities.
Carrie’s video series; https://awakeuniverse.tv/carrie-triffet
Carrie’s website; https://www.carrietriffet.com/carrieblog/
Podcast show page; https://www.artthatmoves.ca/podcasts/