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Awakened Woman Self Care podcast

Jan 15, 2022

The divine Kahu Lahela was the perfect guest to begin the new year of 2022 and as the first episode of Season Four. It is a powerful, and an empowering episode. As Lahela explained, she considers herself a Kahu of balance, as a bridge between the light and the dark and a bridge to Source. For her it means being a keeper of harmony, balance and inner peace to help and remind people who they truly, authentically are—and that is indeed a divine way to step into this powerful year of change.

This is an episode that is an experience of your own sovereignty and of your own magnificence. Kahu Lahela’s wise presence is so helpful to practically lead us through how we can step into both our sovereignty and responsibility at this pivotal time on the planet. During this ease and grace-filled conversation, she shared beautiful metaphors, and simple practices to help guide listeners through the challenges stepping into more of ourselves presents, as well as some of the great joys that can unfold as a result of us taking “the driver’s seat” in our lives.

We shared our mutual excitement over the expanding and unlimited possibilities opening up this year and how we are all being called to co-create with those higher frequencies. One of the sacred self care keys is being gentle with and observing yourself. The “line of integrity” is how Lahela explains David Hawkins levels of consciousness model. Noticing where your frequency is at all times and shifting your vibration to the highest possible to counterbalance the lowest frequency of shame and guilt. Asking questions so that grace can show up as your guiding light.

The podcast conversations over the past year have felt more and more heart expanding. This one was no exception. Together with you the listener, we are weaving more and more magic back into material form. This guest is one I know you will want to experience to begin 2022 with ideas and inspiration that can serve your highest unfolding. I invite you to tune in for the gems Kahu Lahela shares freely and joyfully, and especially to hear the heart opening Ole (Hawaiian chant) she sung at the end of the episode. The Ole she chose is a call to clear your path so you can navigate your way forward with love and trust. Aloha.

Kahu Lahela at

Her Youtube video