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Awakened Woman Self Care podcast

Dec 12, 2017


Co-hosts Emma Kupu Mitchell & Christine Pensa talk about the journey so far with the podcast, AND the upcoming FREE Online Video Event they've been creating for you. Designed to turn this season back into the powerful transformative time that the ancients knew it to be. Entering Winter’s Womb is an invitation to slow down and honor our spirit’s true desires at this sacred time of year. In ancient wisdom, Winter was honored as the season of going inward, a time of rest and renewal. But in today’s modern world, there is tremendous pressure for us to ignore the wise woman inside.

Winter has become notoriously busy, loud, and demanding. It has become common for self-care to be put on hold until New Year where we are pushed yet again to make changes based on external pressure instead of our own feminine wisdom. Now is the time for all of us to reclaim our power.

When you sign up for this FREE online event, you will be entering into a liminal space created just for you.

A liminal space is a powerful place...

The point between waking and sleep

The edge of the shore at the ocean

The moment the mountain levels into the land

The entrance of a cave

This is where our story begins. Together we will journey into the cave by shifting our consciousness to the place of new beginnings.

We will spend 3 days in the cave with the 13 Wise Women, modern day mystics from all walks of life.

Together we will...

Shift our physical bodies from doing to being.

Move through the liminal space into the vast territory of our own interior BEING.

Create the space to allow great healing

Cultivate our light and learn to embody our light before sharing with our beloved world.

Experience the meditation and journey into this sacred space on the podcast.For more information and to register for this FREE online retreat click this link

to join the Awakened woman self care community